Thursday, July 16, 2009


When 25 billion rupees are locked up finding no useful outlet, it is but natural that the responsible lot including ministers and leaders are crying for fund so that the development initiative could move. Nepal needs development activities for reasons that are clear to all, but the way the things are moving it indicates that the wait has to continue, till when no one knows. There may be some who might say that the panacea for all the ills will be the new constitution. But, the pace of the statute drafting part hardly seems to be making any progress. Time is moving but even the outline has not been deciphered. The plain reasons are the parties of all colours, ruling or in the opposition, have their own agenda and if anything is not in tune they make it a point to make the streets their battleground, and even the parliament nowadays.
There are no winners, but the biggest losers are the general people who are not fed the perks that could keep their life afloat. It's development activities that is the nutrient to keep the economy on the move, thereby, giving the people the jobs they need in earning a livelihood. For the moment, nothing seems to be moving except the issues that enthrall the politics minded folks

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